
2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews 1–6 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Alexander MacLaren (1826–1910) is ranked among the expert expositors of the nineteenth century. His life was passionately devoted to the study of Scripture and to the pulpit ministry. His career was marked by a faithful commitment to both his church community and to the integrity of the Baptist tradition. His writings and reputation were world renown, and his skill with the English language and...

into four simple precepts. Desire them; expect them; welcome them; use them. So we shall drink them in. Desire them. If there is a continual flowing out from God, by reason of His very nature, of these gracious influences to enlighten and to strengthen and to purify, then to desire them is to possess them, and without desiring them there is no possession. The heart opens when it desires, and the water finds its way, as is the nature of water, into the narrowest chink that it meets as it flows. Wherever
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